
Karla Leko

Playwright, dramatist, and screenwriter

Karla Leko (1997) is a playwright, dramatist, and screenwriter. She graduated in dramaturgy from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. She has worked on numerous theatre projects, most notably as the dramaturge for the plays Beštije (Theatre &TD), Maske (UO Grupa and Theatre Exit), and as the dramaturge and director of the multimedia project The Stranger Within. She is the author of the plays Partitura šutnje (The Score of Silence), U stanu bez vode razmišljam o moru (In a Waterless Apartment, I Think of the Sea), and the children's play Sagradit ćemo kuću ponovno (We Will Build the House Again), which is currently part of the repertoire of the Puppet Theatre Zadar.

In film, she stands out for her screenplay of the short film Kriza (The Crisis), which was shown at numerous film festivals and as part of the TV show Rani radovi (Early Works). She also wrote the screenplay for the mini-series Ured(i) EU (Office EU), which aired on the Second Channel of Croatian Television (HRT). Currently, she is developing a feature film screenplay. Karla is a member of the Croatian Screenwriters and Playwrights Guild.