
Filip Rutić

Graduate in film and drama writing

Filip Rutić (Varaždin, 1997) enrolled in sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb after completing language high school, where he finished his undergraduate studies. He then pursued dramaturgy at the Academy of Dramatic Art, where he is currently attending the graduate program in film and drama writing.

He writes dramatic and radio drama texts, screenplays, and prose. He has signed two screenplays that were turned into amateur feature films. The film Povjerenje (Trust, 2021) premiered at the Pula Film Festival. The short film Stranac (Stranger, 2024) premiered at the Motovun Film Festival. His short stories have been published in several competitions, and he won the Kritične mase and Sedmica competition awards in 2020. In 2023, he published his debut novel O neuspjehu i nebitnome (On Failure and the Insignificant, Fraktura).

He works as a dramaturge on theater projects, and at Teatar &td, he co-authored the text and dramaturgy of the play Gard, which won the "Ivo Hergešić" award for the best theatrical achievement of the 2022/2023 season.